A trip to Turkey in the velvet season is an opportunity to extend the summer. During this period, the heat becomes softer than in July and August, and the night temperature does not fall below +15C. In September and October, Turkish hotels hold promotions and sales, so even 4* and 5* hotels can find a room at a reasonable cost.


  1. Advantages of holidays in Turkey in the autumn
  2. Weather in Turkey in autumn
  3. Much better to go
  4. Whether to go with children

To travel in autumn to Turkey turned out to be really comfortable, it is worth considering the nuances of each of the resort cities.

Turkey in autumn

Advantages of holidays in Turkey in the autumn

Due to the decrease in the price of tourists in hotels in autumn is significantly lower than summer. The same applies to flights. When the demand for charter flights falls, tour operators reduce the cost of tickets to fill the plane as much as possible.

Also during the velvet season appear profitable «burning tours». These are trips that were purchased by the travel company, but not sold 1-2 weeks before departure. The benefit of «burning tour» can be 5% - 50% of the full cost. Even if you are looking for a hotel not through a tour operator, but on specialized sites, you can also book a room with a big discount. This is also due to the reduced demand for recreation since the beginning of autumn.

Beach of Cognaalta in the autumn

In addition to advantageous accommodation, there are several advantages. For example, in the velvet season in Turkey is set softer weather. The beaches are becoming freer, but you can swim and sunbathe throughout the velvet season, as the sea does not cool down due to warm nights.

September is also a great time for excursions. Due to the weather, active walks and excursions are carried out a little easier than in summer. In the evening, the heat is not so much felt, so you can walk a lot of mountains or city streets. Another advantage of the autumn holidays in Turkey is the silence and more measured atmosphere. Most families with children of school age and lovers of noisy beach parties leave in September, so at the end of the month at the resorts are much quieter. This is especially noticeable in small towns, where places on the beaches and in restaurants become much more.

Погода в Турции осенью

The weather at the beginning-middle of the velvet season still resembles the summer, but without the unbearable heat at 40 degrees C. Many travelers who have been to Turkey in summer and autumn, stop on autumn tourism because of the milder temperature regime. This is especially important for those who do not tolerate the sun and heat, for parents with small children and for those who are not ready to spend the day hours sitting in the room under air conditioning.

Regarding the temperature of the air, up to the middle of October established warm weather mainly without rain. From September to the first half of October, the air temperature in Turkish resorts is +25C - +30C, depending on the region. The sea temperature rarely drops below +20C.

Swim in the sea comfortably until the end of October

In the second half of October, almost everywhere begins a period of variable weather, more often rains. However, in Alanya and Side good conditions for rest remain in the second part of October.

As for November, the velvet season with the arrival of this month is ending in all Turkish resorts. The temperature is significantly decreasing. For example, in Alanya, Side and Kemer during the day the air warms up to +23 degrees C, and in Belek or Marmaris - just up to +20 - +21C.

Due to climatic conditions, the velvet season in Turkey lasts from September to early November. But the exact timing depends on the chosen resort, because the weather from the west to the east of the country changes. For example, Antalya, Belek and Side are suitable for rest until the end of October. All this time in these cities you can sunbathe and swim in the waters of the Mediterranean.

If we talk about the coast of the Aegean Sea, where are Izmir, Bodrum and Marmaris, the climate is more severe. In the first half of October the velvet season ends due to cool weather and frequent rains.

Much better to go

Alanya and Antalya

Thanks to good weather and developed infrastructure, these large resorts are in high demand in September. In the first month of autumn there are still available summer entertainment, beach attractions and water parks. So these cities in the first half of the velvet season are almost as crowded as summer.

Excursions in Alanya in September

To spend time in a more quiet environment, it is better to drive here in late September or in October. At this time, the water temperature in the sea is still comfortable, the values are kept at +22C - +24C. Alanya and Antalya are sunny cities, where even in October not more than 7 cloudy or rainy days. Thanks to the long velvet season, Antalya and Alanya are popular for autumn holidays.


Another popular autumn resort in Turkey - Kemer. It is on the Mediterranean Sea, south of Antalya. Kemer choose fans of mountains and pebble beaches. This resort is quieter than other major seaside towns.

Kemer Streets in October

September in Kemer is hot enough, the temperature can rise to +30C, and rains this month - a rarity. In October, Kemer increases the number of cloudy days with strong wind or rain. Swimming and sunbathing in this weather may not be very comfortable, but for hiking in the mountains or walking October - a great month.


This small resort town on the coast of the Mediterranean is famous for its sandy beaches, abundance of greenery and respectable hotels. There is a resort just east of Antalya, so their weather conditions are similar.

Hotels in Belek - a whole hotel complex with its infrastructure. They have their own beach lines, swimming pools with water slides, spa centers and sports grounds. Some hotels even have professional golf courses.

Hotels of Belek in the autumn

In summer, the cost of accommodation in such hotels is highest, and in the velvet season the price becomes more affordable. In September and October in Belek you can enjoy the sun and beach holidays, staying in one of the comfortable hotels.


The town is located on the Aegean Sea, west of Antalya. A special feature of the autumn holiday in Fethiye is the opportunity to enjoy nature and secluded atmosphere. As for the beach holiday, you can swim and sunbathe until the second half of October. The beaches of Fethiye are located on the shore of the bay, which protects from strong winds and cold underwater currents.

Fethiye’s autumn beauty


This green city is located on the shore of a cozy bay, on the Aegean coast of Turkey, west of Fethiye. Marmaris features a combination of clean nature, mountains and forests with developed infrastructure and comfortable hotels.

Promenade of Marmaris in the autumn

In general, this region is slightly cooler than the Mediterranean coast. However, you can enjoy a beach holiday in Marmaris in the autumn. The velvet season lasts until the second half of October. The air temperature all this time does not fall below +26C, and the water in the sea warms up to +23C.


The city is located in the north of Turkey, between Marmara and Black Seas. It is here that the famous Bosporus Strait is located, which divides Istanbul into two parts.

Istanbul - a city with beautiful architecture, the climate is noticeably cooler than in southern Turkey. For example, in September in Istanbul about +25C, and in October already +20C. Heat in Istanbul quickly subsides, but the velvet season here lasts all September and can capture the first week of October.

Visit to Istanbul in autumn

As for the sea temperature, in early September it is +23C, and by early October it is already dropping to +19C. Despite the fact that the water in the sea quickly cools down, in the autumn, go to Istanbul lovers of warm mild weather. At this time, you can walk through the city streets, relax on the summer veranda of the cafe or go on a boat around the Bosporus.

See also: Istanbul in winter

Family holiday with children

A trip to Turkey in the autumn with children is a great opportunity to spend the whole family, especially if the child does not need to go to school yet.

For recreation with pre-school children suitable cozy resorts Belek or Kemer. Here you can stay in a hotel with a beach and relax at the sea. Alanya and Antalya are suitable for school-age children and all those who like noisy places and all kinds of entertainment.

Children in autumn in Turkey more than comfortable

For holidays with older children who will not get tired of long walks, you can choose excursion. The main tourist destinations with excursions are Bodrum, Izmir and Istanbul. And those who do not necessarily have the sea, can visit the autumn of Cappadocia - a region with unusual nature, where there are flowering green valleys, cave cities and unusual rocks.

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